

Regardless of where you are, your Northeastern network is there for you. Bond, socialize, learn, or build personal connections with your community and the global Northeastern network. Find an event to attend.

04.25.24 | 12:00 PM ET

Side Hustle Strategies

Are you interested in starting or growing a side hustle? Learn from our creative and accomplished entrepreneurs about their unique paths, challenges, and insights. Our panelists will share their advice and experiences with a variety of products and services and how they grew their businesses.

04.04.24 | 9:00AM ET

AI Career Fair

Come to the AI career fair to learn about the importance of Artifical Intelligence and how expert panelists implement it in their everyday life. There will be networking opportunities and the option for students and alumni to attend talks throughout the day.

04.03.24 | 712:00 PM ET

Navigating a Layoff with Resilience

If you’re experiencing a layoff, or anticipating the possibility, join us to learn about strategies for an effective job search. We’ll discuss best practices for career pivots, networking, LinkedIn, resumes and interviews. And you’ll find out ways to be resilient, stay motivated, and maintain a positive mindset during a time of change.

3.28.24 | 10:00AM ET

B.L.A.C.K. & L.A.T.I.N.X. Boutique Career Fair & Future of Work Panel

Northeastern Employer Engagement & Career Design and NUPLACE invite you to register for Northeastern University's annual B.L.A.C.K. & L.A.T.I.N.X. Boutique Career Fair & Future of Work Panel. Connect with diverse talent who have valuable, real-world, solutions-oriented experience! Register on NUworks.

03.26.24 | 6:00 PM ET

Unleashing Leadership Potential, a Strength-Based Approach

Join us to explore your CliftonStrengths profile and gain insights to further your abilities as a manager or leader. Increase your influence and impact in areas such as employee engagement, teambuilding, productivity, and responding to challenges.

03.16.24 | 09:00 AM ET

Career Design Fellowship

Are you fulfilled in your current career? Curious if there’s something else out there? Join Northeastern’s Alumni Career Design Fellowship, a flexible online program that will give you the clarity, plan, support, networking and confidence you need to figure out what comes next for your career. Enroll by Feb. 24 for a $50 discount.

03.06.24 | 5:30PM ET

Gordon Institute of Engineering Leadership Virtual Info Session

The Gordon Institute helps engineers build their technical skills and become great leaders.

02.28.24 | 12:00 PM ET

Ask the Career Coach

Are you working on a job search, career change, clarifying your direction or other career goals? Michele Rapp, Associate Director of Alumni Career Strategy at Northeastern, will be answering alumni career questions in this informal Zoom meeting 12-1 pm ET. Join the session at any time and stay as long as you’d like: No pre-registration is required.

02.22.24 | 5:15PM ET

The Ultrasocial World, International Cooperation, and the Implications for Public Policy

Join Professor Mai’a K. Davis Cross and distinguished public policy thought leaders Dr. Esther Brimmer (Council for Foreign Relations) and Gloriela Iguina-Colon (C40 Cities) for an engaging conversation about the public policy implications of Prof. Cross’s new book, International Cooperation Against All Odds: The Ultrasocial World.

02.07.24 | 5:30PM ET

Gordon Institute of Engineering Leadership Virtual Info Session

The Gordon Institute helps engineers build their technical skills and become great leaders.

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